Five Indications Your Breast Implants May Be Bottoming Out

By: Dr. Nana Mizuguchi


When women get breast augmentation, they expect to have the silhouette they have always wanted. Though complications from breast implants are not common, they do happen on occasion. This is why it is important for patients to recognize the signs of problems early before they become more serious in the future. One complication some people experience is referred to as bottoming out. But what is bottoming out with breast implants?

If you have had breast surgery and believe your implants are bottoming out, dual board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi can assess whether a revision procedure is needed. Because Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery places the safety of patients as our highest priority, we take the time to provide education and resources about potential problems. Learn about breast implant bottoming out symptoms by scheduling a private consultation in Louisville, KY.

What is bottoming out with breast implants?

Many of our patients ask before getting augmentation surgery – what is bottoming out with breast implants? This condition occurs when the skin and underlying tissue are unable to hold the breast implant in place. If there is no adequate support, the implant falls down below the crease. Bottoming out usually happens to women with little natural tissue and skin coverage. Implant placement is also known to play a role.

Choosing the right implant is a significant part of your original breast augmentation surgery. Large implants are heavier and carry a greater risk for bottoming out. Other times, the skin loses laxity due to aging, hormonal changes, breastfeeding, or weight loss. In these circumstances, the implant may be too heavy for the tissue to support it. This often leads to the breast implant bottoming out.

Breast implant bottoming out signs and symptoms

If you believe that there is a problem with one or both of your breast implants, call Dr. Mizuguchi for an evaluation of your situation. Even if we were not the clinic that performed your original breast augmentation, we are happy to help patients in Louisville, KY. Learn the most common breast implant bottoming out signs and symptoms by reading the following:

  1. Loss of volume in the upper breast. Because the implant has shifted downward, the upper part of the breast may have less volume than before. Patients may also notice an increase in volume and increased pressure in the lower breast.

  2. Upward pointing nipples. When the breast implant shifts downward, the nipples turn upward as a result. The nipple-areolar complex may also seem higher on the breast than before.

  3. Double bubble deformity. A double bubble occurs when women notice two distinct mounds on the breast. One mound is the natural breast tissue, while the other is the displaced breast implant.

  4. Rising inframammary scar. For patients who had a breast augmentation with an inframammary incision, bottoming out causes the scar to rise upward on the breast. This may even create new folds lower on the chest.

  5. Pain or discomfort. Breast implant bottoming out signs include discomfort in the lower breast, especially if it is accompanied by an increase in pressure on the lower chest.

How breast revision surgery works

The professionals at Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery can properly diagnose breast implant bottoming out symptoms and create a plan of action moving forward. One suggestion we might make is a procedure called breast revision surgery. Revision surgery can either replace or remove your breast implants to correct the bottoming out and make your silhouette seem balanced once again. Breast lift surgery may also be necessary to correct any loose or hanging skin if you choose to remove your implants. During your consultation with Dr. Mizuguchi, we can review your options together in-office.

Is your breast implant bottoming out?

If you are a woman in Louisville, KY who has experienced one of the listed breast implant bottoming out symptoms, reach out to dual board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi and schedule an appointment. Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery offers a high quality of care that goes far above and beyond other clinics. We also spend plenty of time with each patient to ensure they fully understand what is involved with their plastic surgery procedures. Contact us now to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mizuguchi about breast augmentation and revision surgery.

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