8 Common Reasons Why People Get Tummy Tucks

It can be frustratingly difficult for men and women to shed abdominal fat. A bothersome belly pooch can make its appearance as a result of weight gain, pregnancy, or as part of the natural aging process. When a proper diet and targeted exercises fail to banish this stubborn stomach fat, tummy tuck surgery is an effective way to achieve smoother, more contoured results.
Dual board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi of Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery in Louisville, KY has assisted countless patients in improving the appearance of their midsection and redefining their waistline.
Is now the right time for a tummy tuck?
As the saying goes, timing is everything. That is especially true when it comes to undergoing cosmetic procedures. To know whether you are ready for a tummy tuck, it is important to first educate yourself about the surgery. Also known as abdominoplasty, in 2018 more than 130,000 tummy tucks were performed in the U.S. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures - and with good reason. Beyond its ability to created highly desired, sculpted results, it also is possible to tighten abdominal muscles that are damaged.
Dr. Mizuguchi explains that many Louisville patients opt for transformative tummy tuck procedures in an effort to smooth and tone the abdominal area. These types of results are not always achievable with liposuction alone. Read on to learn about eight reasons why men and women undergo abdominoplasty.
Tighten muscles
A tummy tuck may be considered when the underlying abdominal muscles have been stretched or damaged, which commonly occurs as a result of pregnancy. These muscles are incapable of correcting themselves. In some cases, female patients experience diastasis, a condition that causes the muscles to spread apart. If a vertical bulge appears when you raise your legs while lying flat, you likely have a diastasis. During abdominoplasty, the underlying muscles are pulled back together making them tighter and creating the firmer, flatter midsection that patients desire.
Excess skin removal
Fluctuations in weight, as well as pregnancy, can cause the skin on the stomach to lose elasticity. One the skin is stretched, it is nearly impossible to restore its original taut appearance with exercise alone. This is one of the primary reasons why patients in Louisville who have tired of hiding a roll of loose skin beneath the waistband of their pants ultimately seek tummy tuck surgery. Given his vast experience performing this procedure, Dr. Mizuguchi is able to eliminate the appearance of mild to severe loose skin and create a more contoured abdomen.
Fat removal
During a tummy tuck, not only can excess skin be removed, but body fat around the stomach area also can be extracted with liposuction. Previously, a scalpel was used to remove underlying fat. However, liposuction is now considered the gold standard since it leaves lymph and blood vessels intact. This reduces the risk of bleeding, as well as the potential for excessive drainage and a loss of blood flow to the skin. In general, liposuction allows for an increased amount of fat and skin to be removed than during a traditional tummy tuck. By removing fatty deposits with liposuction, most Louisville patients can achieve even more toned, aesthetically pleasing abdominoplasty results.
Remove scars
Another bonus of tummy tuck surgery is its ability to eliminate the appearance of existing scars around the midsection. Female patients in Louisville who have attempted to hide their c-section or hysterectomy scars beneath swimsuits may be pleased to learn that these can be made to disappear with abdominoplasty. Likewise, scars resulting from appendectomy and hernia surgeries or accidents also can be eliminated to help newly smoothed skin on the stomach look flawless.
Repair a hernia
Hernias occur when an organ pushes through an opening in muscle or tissue. They most commonly appear in the abdomen and usually are not life-threatening. However, hernias do not repair themselves. A dual board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Mizuguchi will be able to determine whether your hernia can be repaired as part of a tummy tuck procedure. Different than diastasis, which causes the underlying muscles to spread apart, hernias involve a hole in the muscles through which internal tissues are pushed. A hernia may even be discovered during your tummy tuck consultation. They most frequently are found near the belly button as well as at the site of previous surgical incisions.
Improve urinary incontinence
It may be surprising to learn that a condition called stress urinary incontinence (SUI) can be improved with a tummy tuck. This bladder control condition can occur when an excessive amount of pressure is placed on the urethra and bladder. Side effects can include bladder leakage that is uncontrollable and usually is prompted by actions including exercising, laughing, sneezing, and coughing. While SUI typically is treated nonsurgically, a tummy tuck may prove beneficial for some patients, especially women.
Decrease back pain and improve posture
Improvement in back pain symptoms also may be experienced by men and women in Louisville, KY as a result of abdominoplasty. Following the loss of a significant amount of weight or after giving birth, the stomach muscles become weak, causing some women to have back pain. By removing fat and flattening the stomach area, as well as tightening the underlying muscles during a tummy tuck, the abdomen may be better able to provide support and reduce back pain. Similarly, when back pain is eliminated and abdominal muscles are tightened, improved posture may result.
Improve self-confidence
When you feel embarrassed about the excess skin and fat that has accumulated around your midsection, or scarring from previous surgeries, it can cause your self-esteem levels to plummet. As a result, you may be less inclined to wear the latest midriff-bearing fashions or swimsuits, or even decide to bow out of certain social or professional situations. A tummy tuck may go a long way toward helping you feel younger and more energetic as it restores your figure and boosts your self-confidence.
Who doesn’t want more firm, sculpted abs? With a tummy tuck, a shapely, toned midsection is possible. From removing excess skin and fat to strengthening the underlying stomach muscles and helping patients feel more confident about their appearance, the benefits of abdominoplasty are numerous. Schedule an appointment with dual board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi of Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery in Louisville, KY, who is dedicated to helping patients look and feel their best.