How Can A Compression Garment Help with BodyTite Recovery?

By: Dr. Nana Mizuguchi


If you’ve recently lost weight and have some stubborn body fat left or have had weight fluctuations that have left you with loose skin, you may be wondering if there’s any way to get the body you desire. The answer is yes, there is!

At Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery in Louisville, KY dual board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi offers BodyTite to men and women who wish to tighten their skin and remove pockets of unwanted body fat without undergoing surgery common in traditional liposuction or a body lift.

What is BodyTite?

BodyTite is a revolutionary procedure that provides Louisville, KY men and women minimally invasive liposuction at our state-of-the-art facility. During this procedure, Dr. Mizuguchi will insert the BodyTite applicator under your skin through a tiny incision. From there, he will loosen and liquefy stubborn fat using radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL). The heat that is put out during the treatment — monitored with internal and external thermometers — will tighten the skin for an even greater result. BodyTite is a relatively common alternative to surgeries like liposuction or a body lift because there is less surgical downtime and scarring. Common treatment areas include:

  • Stomach
  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Chest
  • Knees

Recovery after BodyTite

One of the benefits of this nonsurgical body contouring procedure is that it only takes between 30 – 45 minutes. Following your treatment, you’ll need to rest and recover at home for around 5 – 10 days. Depending on your overall goals, you may need multiple sessions; however, Dr. Mizuguchi will discuss that with you as he develops your treatment plan. For maximum results, we will have you wear a compression garment. After your BodyTite, swelling and soreness is to be expected. However, the compression garment will help your body heal properly as well as hold the new shape of your body. The compression garment will help the swelling subside, but it will also help your healing skin stay in its new place, so you look great once your recovery is complete. In about 3 ­– 6 months, you should start to see your results become visible and can enjoy the new shape of your body. In fact, you may even notice some of that stubborn cellulite has disappeared if you received BodyTite on your thighs. BodyTite skin tightening results last for years to come, but wearing the compression garment and following at-home recovery instructions provided by one of our Louisville, KY team members will be vital in your recovery and long-lasting results.

How long do BodyTite results last?

One of the benefits of BodyTite is that when the fat is removed from your body, it cannot grow back. Therefore, your results should be long-lasting. However, it’s important that you’re at or near your ideal weight before BodyTite at Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery because the remaining fat in your body can expand if you gain weight.

If you’re tired of loose skin or stubborn body fat after you’ve lost weight, dual board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Nana Mizuguchi may be able to help. At Mizuguchi Plastic Surgery, men and women can benefit from the nonsurgical body contouring procedure known as BodyTite. If you’re interested in learning how you can reduce body fat and tighten your skin in as little as one procedure, contact our Louisville, KY office today for more information.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.